Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Running your payroll on the web now makes far more sense - especially if you are an SME

Until recently it did not make sense running payroll on the web in India. One could get low cost applications to run locally on the PC, or one could outsource the work to numerous ‘consultants’ who would provide you services with respect to calculations, form preparation and filing. But there are some fundamental shifts occurring in web based payroll processing that would definitely warrant a relook at the way you are doing it.

1. Prices are now amazingly low – There are SaaS vendors out there who process payroll for as low as Rs. 2/- employee per month. In terms of comparison its even lower than the AMC charges of in-premise pc based products and possible one fourth the rates of what ‘consultants’ charge you.

2. They have become far more easy to operate – Web based providers focus on making it extremely easy for you to register and run the application on your own. Design is more like what you are used to in booking an airline ticket or buying something online. You now can allow your trusted hr and payroll executive to do the job on their own.

3. The benefits of Software as a Service (SaaS) kick in – SaaS gives you benefits of low rental costs of usage, avoiding the need to buy servers, operating systems, databases, security and antivirus, high speed lines. On the contrary prices of inpremise products are going up significantly as the cost of individually supporting each customer by visiting, updating and supporting versions is getting to costlier by the day.

4. Access from anywhere - You can now access the application from any browser based device from anywhere, just as you are used to logging into your bank account from anywhere. Users in multiple locations can update attendance and leave, payroll can be processed centrally and payslips printing or serving can be decentralized

5. HR comes free – Most good payroll SaaS providers give you a HR product to use free. Employee Self Service and other applications like reimbursements and performance management can be added on

6. Submit forms to statutory organizations directly – The day is not far when one can use the same software to file PF, ESI, Professional Tax, Income Tax directly from these systems. Most government agencies are enabling electronic submission.

Imagine a scenario where, changes in employee details like joinees, seperations, promotions and movements are done through the month, 5 remote locations upload their attendance\ leave spreadsheets on 31st, payroll is processed on 1st in 3 minutes, the bank is notified on the 1st, payslips are emailed to employees on 1st and the submissions to the government agencies are done automatically. This is a dream that can be achieved now.

KServeOnline HR and Payroll is doing just this. Visit
for more details. A free trial of 30 days enables you to see how user friendly it is. You can even run your first payroll yourself in 15 minutes if you have the data with you.