Thursday, June 21, 2012

The next thing in website design: The power of tiles and squares

Mobile and tablet user interface design is forcing conventional website designers to introspect. Form factors vary in PC’s, laptops, tablets, smartphones and regular phones. How does a website designer cater to all segments while designing the site?

The answer lies in the use of tiles, squares and largefonts.

Check out our site before you proceed with the rest of the article.
  • Squares are useful since they flex well in different form factors. Increases in length and breadth take place uniformly avoiding stretch
  • Large fonts are useful since one could read the text in any device. Definitely a plus for those whose  eyesight is not perfect
  • Tiles force brevity in a world where people scan through web pages in seconds
I don’t know if our site will earn awards from the creative world, but the design is definitely getting good reviews from our market. It was also fun creating it. 

Would love to get your feedback and views on such design.

PS – Am recording this in a blog because I have a feeling that many sites will follow suit and I hope that we are recognized as the ones that pioneered this form of design in June 2012!


Sugumar said...

Futuristic design, looking very nice, thanks for sharing

Mathew T said...

Fantastic! How do you come up with stuff like this time and again over the last 30 years.

What happened to your RAD platform?

What tools did you use to design this website?It would be nice if you put another blog post on this.